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Next.js 14 Server Actions: What You Need to Know

Next.js is a popular open-source framework for developing server-side rendered React applications. It was created by Vercel, the company formerly known as Zeit, and is maintained by a community of developers. With the release of Next.js 14, a new feature called "Server Actions" was introduced, which allows developers to write functions that can execute either on the server or on the client. This feature is particularly helpful in the areas of data fetching and mutations.

Next.js 14 Server Actions: What You Need to Know

Server Actions in Next.js 14 can be used to perform server-side data mutations or actions without creating separate API routes. They are easy to write and use, secure, and can be reused in both client and server components. By using Server Actions, developers can simplify their codebase, reduce development time, and improve performance.

In this article, we will explore the concept of Server Actions in Next.js 14 in detail. We will discuss how to create Server Actions, how to use them in different scenarios, and their benefits. We will also provide examples and best practices to help developers get started with using Server Actions in their Next.js applications.

Overview of Next.js 14

Overview of Next.js 14

Next.js is an open-source framework for building server-side rendered React applications. It was created by Vercel and is maintained by a community of developers. Next.js 14 is the latest version of the framework and comes with several new features, including Server Actions.

Server Actions are functions that can be executed on either the client or the server. They are particularly useful for data fetching and mutations. With Server Actions, developers can write functions that are earmarked to execute on either the client or the server, allowing for more control over how data is fetched and manipulated.

Next.js 14 also comes with several other new features, including Improved Image Optimization, Automatic Webpack 5 Migration, and Automatic Font Optimization. Improved Image Optimization allows for automatic resizing and compression of images, while Automatic Webpack 5 Migration makes it easier for developers to upgrade their applications to Webpack 5. Automatic Font Optimization allows for the automatic optimization of fonts, reducing the size of font files and improving page load times.

Overall, Next.js 14 is a powerful framework that makes it easier for developers to build server-side rendered React applications. With features like Server Actions, Improved Image Optimization, Automatic Webpack 5 Migration, and Automatic Font Optimization, Next.js 14 is a versatile and powerful tool for building modern web applications.

Setting Up Server Actions in Next.js 14

Setting Up Server Actions in Next.js 14

To begin using Server Actions in Next.js 14, the first step is to initialize a new Next.js project. This can be done by running the following command in the terminal:

npx create-next-app@latest my-project

This will create a new Next.js project with all the necessary files and dependencies. Once the project is created, navigate into the project directory using the cd command:

cd my-project

Project Initialization

To use Server Actions in Next.js 14, it is important to initialize the project with the correct settings. This can be done by creating a new file called .env.local in the root directory of the project. In this file, add the following line:


This sets the API URL to the local server at port 3000. If the API is hosted elsewhere, change the URL accordingly.

Installing Dependencies

Next, install the necessary dependencies for using Server Actions in Next.js 14. This can be done by running the following command in the terminal:

npm install swr@1.0.0-next.4

This installs the swr package which is used for data fetching and caching in Next.js 14.

Additionally, install the isomorphic-unfetch package which is used for fetching data in both the client and server-side of the application:

npm install isomorphic-unfetch

With these dependencies installed, the project is now ready to start using Server Actions in Next.js 14.

Creating Server Actions

Creating Server Actions

Next.js 14 introduced the concept of Server Actions, which allows developers to write server-side code without having to define an API route. This feature is useful when you need to perform server-side data mutations or actions without the need for a separate API route. In this section, we will discuss how to create Server Actions in Next.js 14.

Defining the API Route

To define a Server Action, you need to create a new file in the app/ directory of your Next.js project and add the use server directive at the top of it. This directive tells Next.js that all functions within the file will be marked as Server Actions that can be reused in both client and server components.

// app/actions.ts
'use server';

export async function create() {
  // ...

Handling Requests

Once you have defined a Server Action, you can call it from a client component using the fetch API. To do this, you need to make a POST request to the /api/actions endpoint with the name of the Server Action as the action parameter and any additional data as the request body.

fetch('/api/actions?action=create', {
  method: 'POST',
  body: JSON.stringify({ /* additional data */ }),
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => { /* handle response */ })
  .catch(error => { /* handle error */ });

When the Server Action is called, Next.js will automatically execute the function on the server and return the result to the client. If the Server Action throws an error, Next.js will return a 500 Internal Server Error response.

In conclusion, creating Server Actions in Next.js 14 is a powerful tool for developers, allowing for server-side data mutations or actions without creating separate API routes. With the use server directive and the /api/actions endpoint, developers can easily define and call Server Actions from client components.

Securing Server Actions

Securing Server Actions

When it comes to securing Server Actions in Next.js 14, there are two important aspects to consider: Authentication and Authorization.


Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user. In the context of Server Actions, it ensures that only authenticated users can access the Server Actions. This can be achieved by implementing a login system that requires users to provide valid credentials, such as a username and password, before they can access the Server Actions.

One way to implement authentication in Next.js 14 is by using a third-party authentication service, such as Auth0 or Firebase Authentication. These services provide a secure and easy-to-use way to authenticate users and can be integrated with Next.js 14 using their respective client libraries.

Another way to implement authentication is by using a custom login system. This requires creating a login page that accepts user credentials and verifies them against a database of registered users. Once a user is authenticated, a session token can be generated and stored in a secure cookie or local storage. The session token can then be used to authenticate subsequent requests to the Server Actions.


Authorization is the process of determining what actions a user is allowed to perform. In the context of Server Actions, it ensures that only authorized users can perform certain actions, such as creating, updating, or deleting data.

One way to implement authorization in Next.js 14 is by using role-based access control (RBAC). RBAC assigns roles to users based on their job responsibilities and grants permissions to those roles. For example, an administrator role might have permission to create, update, and delete data, while a regular user role might only have permission to view data.

Another way to implement authorization is by using attribute-based access control (ABAC). ABAC assigns attributes to users and objects, such as data records, and defines rules that determine whether a user is authorized to perform an action on an object based on its attributes. For example, a rule might allow a user to update a data record only if they are the owner of the record.

In conclusion, securing Server Actions in Next.js 14 is essential to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the integrity of your application's data. By implementing authentication and authorization, you can create a secure and reliable system that only allows authorized users to perform certain actions.

Optimizing Server Actions

Next.js 14 Server Actions can be optimized to improve performance and reduce data fetching time. In this section, we will discuss some strategies to optimize Server Actions.

Caching Strategies

Caching is an effective way to reduce data fetching time and improve performance. There are two types of caching strategies: client-side caching and server-side caching. Client-side caching is when the browser stores the data for a certain period, while server-side caching is when the server stores the data for a certain period.

Client-side caching can be implemented using the SWR library, which is built into Next.js. SWR allows for data caching and revalidation, which reduces the number of requests sent to the server. Server-side caching can be implemented using Redis or Memcached to store the data on the server.

Performance Best Practices

To improve Server Actions performance, developers should follow best practices such as reducing the size of the data being fetched, using pagination, and avoiding unnecessary data fetching.

Pagination can be used to fetch data in smaller chunks, which reduces the amount of data being fetched and improves performance. Developers can also use getServerSideProps to fetch data on the server, which improves performance by reducing the number of requests sent to the server.

Another best practice is to avoid unnecessary data fetching. Developers should only fetch the data that is needed and avoid fetching data that is not being used. This reduces the amount of data being fetched and improves performance.

In conclusion, optimizing Server Actions is essential to improve performance and reduce data fetching time. By implementing caching strategies and following best practices, developers can improve the performance of their Next.js 14 Server Actions.

Error Handling in Server Actions

Error handling is an essential part of every application development process. In Next.js 14, error handling in server actions is critical to ensure that the application remains stable and functional, even when errors occur.

Custom Error Pages

One of the most important aspects of error handling in server actions is the ability to create custom error pages. Next.js 14 provides a straightforward mechanism to create custom error pages that can be displayed when an error occurs. These custom error pages can be used to provide users with more information about the error and how to resolve it.

To create a custom error page in Next.js 14, developers need to create a file named _error.tsx in the pages directory. This file can contain a React component that will be displayed when an error occurs. Developers can use this component to display information about the error, such as the error message, error code, and any other relevant information.

Logging and Monitoring

Another critical aspect of error handling in server actions is logging and monitoring. Logging and monitoring are essential to ensure that developers can identify and fix errors quickly. In Next.js 14, developers can use various logging and monitoring tools to track errors and monitor the application's performance.

Next.js 14 provides built-in support for logging errors using various logging libraries, such as Winston and Bunyan. These libraries can be used to log errors to various destinations, such as the console, file, or a remote server. Developers can also use various monitoring tools, such as Datadog and New Relic, to monitor the application's performance and track errors.

In conclusion, error handling is a critical aspect of server actions in Next.js 14. Custom error pages and logging and monitoring are essential tools that developers can use to ensure that the application remains stable and functional, even when errors occur.

Testing Server Actions

Testing is an essential part of the development process. It helps ensure that the code works as expected and prevents bugs from making it into production. Testing Next.js 14 Server Actions is no different. There are two main types of tests that can be performed on Server Actions: Unit Testing and Integration Testing.

Unit Testing

Unit Testing is a type of testing that focuses on testing individual units or components of code. In the case of Server Actions, this means testing each function individually to ensure that it works as expected. Unit tests are typically automated and are run every time the code is changed to ensure that nothing has been broken.

To write Unit Tests for Server Actions, developers can use testing frameworks like Jest. Jest is a popular testing framework that provides a simple and intuitive API for writing tests. Developers can use Jest to write tests that ensure that each Server Action works as expected.

Integration Testing

Integration Testing is a type of testing that focuses on testing how different components of the code work together. In the case of Server Actions, this means testing how the Server Actions work with the rest of the codebase. Integration tests are typically more complex than Unit Tests and require more setup.

To write Integration Tests for Server Actions, developers can use testing frameworks like Cypress. Cypress is a popular testing framework that provides a simple and intuitive API for writing tests. Developers can use Cypress to write tests that ensure that the Server Actions work correctly with the rest of the codebase.

In conclusion, testing Next.js 14 Server Actions is essential to ensure that the code works as expected. Developers can use Unit Testing and Integration Testing to ensure that each Server Action works as expected and that they work correctly with the rest of the codebase. By testing Server Actions, developers can ensure that their code is of high quality and that bugs are caught before they make it into production.

Deployment and Scaling

Deployment Options

When it comes to deployment, Next.js 14 Server Actions can be deployed to any platform that supports Node.js. This includes cloud providers such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure, as well as traditional hosting providers such as DigitalOcean and Linode.

One popular option for deploying Next.js 14 Server Actions is Vercel, the company that created Next.js. Vercel provides a seamless deployment experience for Next.js applications, with built-in support for Serverless Functions and Automatic Static Optimization.

Another option is to deploy Next.js 14 Server Actions to a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration platform that can help manage and scale Next.js applications.

Scaling Considerations

When it comes to scaling, Next.js 14 Server Actions can scale horizontally by adding more instances of the application or vertically by adding more resources to each instance.

Horizontal scaling can be achieved by using a load balancer to distribute incoming requests across multiple instances of the application. This can help distribute the workload and improve performance.

Vertical scaling can be achieved by increasing the resources allocated to each instance of the application. This can include increasing the amount of CPU, RAM, or disk space available to the application.

It's important to note that scaling Next.js 14 Server Actions may require additional considerations such as database connections, caching, and session management. It's important to plan for these considerations when designing and scaling your application.

In summary, Next.js 14 Server Actions can be deployed to a variety of platforms and scaled both horizontally and vertically. Proper planning and consideration of additional factors such as database connections and caching can help ensure a successful deployment and scaling experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enable server actions in my Next.js 14 project?

To enable server actions in your Next.js 14 project, you need to create a new file and add the use server directive at the top of it. All functions within the file will be marked as server actions that can be reused in both client and server components. For a detailed guide, check out the official Next.js documentation.

What are the key differences between Next.js 13 and 14?

Next.js 14 introduced server actions, which allow developers to write functions that can execute on both the server and client. This is particularly useful for data fetching and mutations. Additionally, Next.js 14 includes several performance improvements, such as faster build times and improved caching. For a comprehensive list of changes, check out the Next.js 14 release notes.

Is there a payload size limit for server actions in Next.js 14?

Yes, there is a payload size limit for server actions in Next.js 14. By default, the limit is set to 1MB. You can increase or decrease this limit by setting the bodyLimit option in your next.config.js file. For more information, check out the official documentation.

When was Next.js 14 officially released?

Next.js 14 was officially released on May 26, 2021. It introduced several new features and improvements, including server actions, faster builds, and improved caching.

What are the advantages of using server actions in Next.js 14?

Using server actions in Next.js 14 can simplify data fetching and mutations, as well as improve performance. Server actions allow developers to write functions that can execute on both the server and client, reducing the need for separate server-side APIs. Additionally, server actions can help improve caching and reduce the number of requests needed to load a page.

Where can I find comprehensive tutorials for Next.js 14?

There are several resources available for learning Next.js 14, including the official Next.js documentation, video tutorials on YouTube, and online courses on platforms like Udemy. Additionally, there are several community-driven resources, such as the Next.js subreddit and the Next.js Discord server.

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